

making the most of life with an illness


My story


Cutting the pain

Sometimes I think I am addicted to pain.  After having chronic pain for two years, I want to know how much pain I can stand.  But no matter how much pain I am in, I still live.  I don’t understand. I will put myself in more pain for no reason because I can.  At least there is a scar a reason I hurt.  The extra pain never makes me feel better after the fact.  But I keep doing it.  There may be only one cut but that doesn’t mean I don’t pick at it and try to make it not heal.  The scar is the source of pain that I can see, that I can understand.  Chronic pain is not like that…there is no reason.  I can’t handle that.  I need to rationalize but my rationalization are faulty.  Yet I continue to make myself believe I am doing what is right.  Deep down I know it isn’t but I push those thoughts away.  It scares me.

The Ignorant

I am a waitress.  I love my job; it is great most of the time.  I have Complex Regional Pain Syndrome so being able to waitress is a big deal to me since some days I can’t even walk.  I am not able to carry large trays of food because is the weight and the amount of pain that will ensure.  Today my manager carried out a large tray for me and I helped place the food down.  As she was leaving she asked, “Is there anything else I can do for you?”  The older man jokingly said,”Yeah, can we get a new waitress?  One that can carry out our food.” I was so surprised that someone could say that.  Smiling faking, I left the table and avoided them until I was less upset.  That hurt. People need to watch what they say.


I think I am going to explode. Really, I am serious.  The amount of essays I have written is crazy! Everything is just piling up!  Ahhh

Chronic Pain Life: Resting faces on a good day as the day progresses

My Birthday Hat!!!

you know you are jealous of my hat! you wish you had a hat that this for your 18th birthday!

Chronic Pain Life: When people don’t get why you tired all the time…

Over Half Way done with my First Week!

Having depression was part of the reason I transferred to online schooling.  When I did not get into back into my school of choice for health issues, I did not want to go to public school for my senior year.  So online school it was!  I was a little scared I would not be motivated enough.  But as it turns out being in three AP classes and two others plus trying to finish by Christmas is a fair amount a work.  I want to finish so bad that I have spent probably over 20 hours in three days.  This is actually very rewarding.

Look at these shoes! I got them at Walmart! Holla!

I got my pretty medical bracelet!


In the valley of despair is where I lay.  Day after day waiting for the strength to climb up over the mountains.  I strain to see what is on the other side of life.  But every time I get close to enough to see a glimpse, the rough terrine pulls me back down.  Lower then I was before and the motivation to move ceases.  The weight of the earth crushing on top of me.  Leaving me even more powerless and feeling completely defeated.

Medical Bracelet

I need a medical bracelet.  All I know for sure is I want a pretty one.  If I have to wear it all the time it should be at least pretty right?  I know it is necessary but I can’t help but feeling like I am being labeled.  Like we don’t really know how to deal with you so we are gonna put this bracelet on you.  But maybe it will minimize pointless ER trips.

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