

making the most of life with an illness


September 2015

French tips

So this is a funny picture but my nails look good.

Tuesday’s Words to Ponder

Intelligence is how a person uses their knowledge.

Chronic Pain Life: Resting faces on a good day as the day progresses

Words to Ponder

Just because life is not going your way doesn’t mean it isn’t going the right way.

Water Color Paintings

I did this with the Crayola water colors for kids that you can get at Target or Walmart.

Today was one of those days

Today was one of those days where you wish it could have never happened.  I have ruined everything in the past eight hours.  Freedom is out the window.  I have nothing left.  Depression is hard.  Being suicidal is hard.   Having seizures are hard.  Having chronic pain is hard.  School is hard.  Life is hard.  But it is at times like these where I need to remember this is just a bad chapter.  Things may not get better the way I want, but it will get better.  I need to keep an open mind about the future.  Yes, I could always have pain and depression and seizures but that does not mean I can’t live.  Sometimes remember the effect you have on other people is my help.  It doesn’t fell like people care but they do.  Strength is something a person is born with and something everyone can recognize.  I get to caught up in myself.  I need to take a step back and realize that I may not be the happiest but by preserving through the trouble I am inspiring.  I am inspiring to the world whether I see it or not.  Everyone is worth living life.  But the problem is, we have to high of standards.  we think there are all these standards but they are just our mind playing tricks on us.  belive, trust, and hope.

My Birthday Hat!!!

you know you are jealous of my hat! you wish you had a hat that this for your 18th birthday!

Chronic Pain Life: When people don’t get why you tired all the time…

Half and Half Nails!

The most beautiful long french braid

Messy Messy Painting

Easter Acrylic Painting

Glittery old Nails!

Over Half Way done with my First Week!

Having depression was part of the reason I transferred to online schooling.  When I did not get into back into my school of choice for health issues, I did not want to go to public school for my senior year.  So online school it was!  I was a little scared I would not be motivated enough.  But as it turns out being in three AP classes and two others plus trying to finish by Christmas is a fair amount a work.  I want to finish so bad that I have spent probably over 20 hours in three days.  This is actually very rewarding.

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